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Monday, November 08, 2010


I love Christmas and have about every decoration a person can get.  I have lots of Santa figurines, nativities, bells, ornaments, reindeer, etc. but as I was thumbing through the   paper this weekend, I found this ad from K-Mart.  What???  Really???

I can't in any way associate a pig in a Santa suit or a lighted hippo to Christmas. I have heard of Christmas geese.  I was in the play the "Christmas Goose" when I was little, and I have heard of Christmas mice and spiders coming out at night to see the Christ Child but please tell me what a pig and hippo have to do with Christmas ???  I won't be adding these to my decorations any time soon.

Maybe I am not enough of a redneck. I think I can see these sitting beside a Jeff Foxworthy mobile home.


Susan said...

That is so funny....can't think of anywhere they would look good. Have you started decorating yet or do you wait till after Thanksgiving?

Jem said...

There is a song called "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" and the is a story called "The Christmas Pig." (You can find anything on the world wide web.) So, there you go! Decorate away!