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Friday, October 30, 2009

Was that really me?

I was making banana bread a couple of days ago. I usually make it into muffins instead of loaves and it's something I have done for a hundred years with no problems. It's Mom's recipe and they always turn out yummy, so I couldn't wait to taste test these delights. I had my wet ingredients and sugar mixed and threw in a little flour but I had to go downstairs to get more flour because I had run out of it in the pantry. The only thing I had downstairs was my food storage flour in a big bucket so brought it up to finish off the recipe. Now most of you who know me, know that I am a very laid back, calm person 99% of the time and if there is a way to make things better I can usually find a way, which makes me even more confident and happy. Men (and women) are that that might have joy, you know.

Wellllllll, I could not get the lid off that bucket. I tried everything I could think of. There wasn't one of those zip tabs around the lid, and the tabs on the bucket would not bend. I pried open the front with a screw driver and then tried to pry open the sides and back so it would pop off. Nada. I then got the knife sharpening tool out because it was long and I thought if I ran it around the inside of the rim it would come off but NOOOOO, it was stuck like glue. I tried so hard that I broke the knife sharpener. (I NEED TO FINISH THE BANANA BREAD! OK calm down now, what can I do next?) I kept trying for 30 MINUTES!!!! My hand was scraped up now and my biceps were hurting. I was able to keep the front pried up about 2 inches but the 1 cup measuring cup would not fit into the bucket.

Now, I have a little 2 year old grandson and I have seen him get frustrated at things he cannot do. He will just stop and scream out of frustration and then burst into tears. Guess what I did? Yes, I screamed and burst into tears. I could identify with little E exactly at that moment. When your desires don't meet your abilities, it results in so much frustration that your emotions just take over.

I took a deep breath, felt ridiculous, and used my smaller measuring cup to get as much flour out as I could from the crack in the front. I ended up not getting enough flour for the whole recipe and the muffins turned out a little too moist and flat. I might add that it was a super duper batch too, not just a one batch recipe and it ended up making enough muffins to put in the freezer. When Wayne came home he thought they were delicious, better than ever.

When I told Wayne of my trial he jumped right in to help. He did have a hard time too, but got the lid off in less than 5 minutes.
Now for the rest of the story. I have resolved to do more bicep curls, I am back to my jolly self, we have many muffins for later consumption, I can feel E's pain when he is frustrated, and the lid is off. Life is good again. Whew! But, stay away from me when I have that moment 1% of the time. It is not a pretty site and you will be scared, very scared.


Jem said...

Youre so funny. Its okay to let go every once in a while. Im sure the muffins are great.

Amy said...

We have ALL been there and there is no shame in crying over spilled milk or in your case, "a stuck lid". My question is, why didn't you just call a neighbor and borrow a cup of flour before going postal on the flour bucket?

Susan said...

It wasn't you, it was an evil Halloween spirit!

Anonymous said...

Two old people trying to get a lid off. Did this delay cause you to miss Lawrence Welk? Dane

Yolanda said...

Joan! You should have called me. I have a bucket lid opener. Make sure you put that on your list the next time you go shopping so that this doesn't happen again. :)

MOM/SUSAN said...

Lessons learned to be sure. HOW FRUSTRATING! I have to have Paul open my buckets. The lid opener doesn't really work until you get that plastic lip off and I just can't do it without Paul's help. So my solution (I just shared this with Paul last night) is to buy bags of wheat or flour in your case and pour them into already existing buckets that have the spin lid on them. Yup, that's my plan and I'm sticking with it!

Nonna said...

Doesn't take much to get me freaked out and things that won't open are the worst...that's why I haven't returned to those big buckets for my food storage items...the muffins look yummy !

Colett (*.*) said...

I wish I could have been there to see it! It would have made me feel better about myself and all of the tantrums that I throw! I think it's good for you now and then!

A Musing Mother said...

Welcome to my world.

By the way, you could have borrowed a cup of flour from me. I would have wanted it right back, though. In the form of a muffin or two.