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Friday, March 04, 2011

We did have some good supervision

This is what my house looked like for weeks.  I am a (little bit) of a neat freak and it drove me crazy but I had no choice.  I wanted my living room, dining room, hallway  and kitchen painted. We had to do most of it on weekends when Wayne had time, and because Amy was here most of the time and because she was so sick, we didn't want the paint fumes to make her more sick.

 All of the upstairs of our home was originally painted in an oil based paint.  Who does that any more Mr. Home Builder? All of the upstairs was painted the same color....flesh.  Wayne called it nude.  It wasn't horrible but just didn't ever look really good with anything. The ceilings and walls were all the SAME color and I just couldn't take it any longer.  I have an artist's heart and love color, so after weeks of looking at paint samples at every hour of the day to see how the light played off the samples, I finally chose my colors. Because of the oil paint EVERYTHING had to be primed first and several areas needed a second coat.  Let me just say, it was soooo much work.  I did almost all of the taping off with a little help from Wayne and Wes. With our architectural elements it was tough.  I went through 4 rolls of painter's tape.  Then I helped Wayne by doing a little bit of the cutting in, but Wayne did all of the painting.  The ceilings were the worst, especially the high ones, and I have a feeling the next time I want it done we will be checking out the yellow pages.  Was it worth it?  Yes, to me it really was.  I now live with a golden tan living area and a subtle green kitchen.  I kept my one rusty barn red wall.  I will post pictures when I am through putting stuff back up where it belongs if I can just remember where it goes.