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Monday, May 19, 2008

Emerson is the best baby ever. He never cried or fussed once all night.

Wes scores earphones and Itune gift certificates. Emerson helps unwrap.

Wayne's new Croc sandles from Colett and Matt. They are the ONLY thing to wear to Disneyland.

The end of the evening sees Wayne and Wes in their Kingly crowns, thanks to Isabelle's tradition of making them each year. Such regal characters don't you think? NOT!

Isabelle was sick with a fever and cold but couldn't miss out on the fun so she came out for her turn.

Matt uses all his skill as a computer geek to access his chances of a win.

I was the self-appointed unofficial judge of the event, as Nick tries his luck.

Colett pretended like she was the State champion bean bag tosser, and told us all to follow her technique. It was hilarious. You had to.....well never mind, just picture a cross between a bowler and a horseshoe pitcher and a prissy Miss Jean Brody and you will still not figure it out.

Wes tries his skill as Amy and Amelia look on.

Wayne's technique is kind of a cheater sideways toss, but he got one out of three in the winner's circle. Then Nick, Wes and I tied him.

Here we see all the techniques of throwing backwards over the head. We had 3 beanbags that you had to land in the hose circle. I think Amy had the best looking technique, but it didn't help her land the big prize. Oh, wait a minute, there was no big prize!

What is it with the month of "May". We just have one celebration after another. We get together on Sundays with our Utah kids for dinner each week. Three weeks ago we celebrated
Colett's birthday, last week we celebrated Mother's Day and Amy's birthday, yesterday we celebrated Wayne's and my son-in-law Wes' birthdays. My grandson Alex's day is on the 25th. I also have a brother, sister-in-law, 2 nieces, 2 good friends, and a nephew who celebrate birthdays this month. Then we get to party for Memorial Day. If I didn't have my calender to write on, I don't think I could remember them all anymore. Yesterday we had pulled pork sandwiches, pasta salad, chips and cake and cake. Yes two for Wayne and one for Wes. We had a bean bag tournament outside and I'm not sure who won the whole thing. It may have been Wes. We had a backwards throw contest and that ended in a three way tie as I recall but don't quote me on that. We played with balloons, hitting them into the ceiling fan which the grandkids loved (and so did Grandpa). The weather was hot...90 today...but no wind for a change so we sat outside and soaked it in. Our trees are finally big enough to give us some nice shade. We had a really fun day. The pictures will prove it.