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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How Did You Do?

So how did you do? Notice that Toby's and Lissie's eyes are very much like Kee's. Joey's eyes are very much like Shon's. (The shape is the same.) Emerson's are almost identical to Wes', and my daughters have my eyes only in different colors. Colett's kids have their Mom's eyes and Alex's eyes are really blue although it doesn't look like it in the picture. All the Shon Ostler family members have blue eyes, all the Yarro family members have brown eyes, all the Holme's family members have brown eyes and Margaret and I are the only ones with green eyes. My parents both have big eyes and that gene seems to have been passed on to the kids and grandkids. Wayne's eyes are just like his Mom's. Grandpa Howard had gray/blue eyes and my Mom's are blue so Shon must have gotten their eyes. Neither Matt nor Wayne passed on their eye shape genes to anyone. I love looking at everyone's eyes. It's the first thing I notice when I talk to someone.

















Amy said...

I at first thought Nick's eyes were Emerson's and then I scrolled down. Whoa!
This is a good post! It's amazing how they are all different even in the same family.
p.s. I LOVE Rogue Wave! Nice choice in song!

Amy said...

Also, it is VERY obvious that Colett's children got her eyes and not Matt's! HA HA HA!

Susan said...

I could guess quite a few of them just from reading your blogs. Your girls have beautiful eyes! I copied your idea and did it on our family blog. I had one of Brenda and her daughter said it looked like Ken in eye make up. Brenda is going to love that one. LOL

Shon O said...

How very fun, I believe I picked them all out correctly. Will just have to wait for the answers and see.

Colett (*.*) said...

I think I have them all right, I may only be wrong and switched Nick and Milli, nice eh, their own mother can't tell for sure. I guess they really do look a lot alike.

Colett (*.*) said...

Oh yeah, which one of these kids is not like the others? Matt!!! with tiny tiny eyes, can he even see out of those beady things, Ha Ha! Somehow he is still so cute!

Margaret Kay said...

Well I got here to late to play the game . . . but I have to say, it is a cute blog entry, Joan. However, my eyes definitely look the oldest (sigh) . . . I hope that's just the bad photo you took, and not how I really look. Oh Shoot, I just took a good look in the mirror!

Margaret Kay said...

Well I got here to late to play the game . . . but I have to say, it is a cute blog entry, Joan. However, my eyes definitely look the oldest (sigh) . . . I hope that's just the bad photo you took, and not how I really look. Oh Shoot, I just took a good look in the mirror!

Alex said...

no way those were my eyes ??? thy look brown