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Monday, November 03, 2008

Amy and Emerson came over to visit and as any one year old does, he gets into everything. He kept trying to get out the box of tissues and pull them out. We had taken them away from him several times but Grandpa Wayne said to let him have the box. Emerson was very delighted and started to pull them out one by one until the box was empty. It was funny to watch for Wayne but not so funny for Amy as she is the one that has to put them away every time he goes for them now. This is the same Grandpa that feeds Shon's kids potato chips and ice cream for breakfast whenever they come to visit. There is a naughty little boy in Wayne that is living vicariously through his grandkids. I think he would eat ice cream for breakfast and throw things around the room if he weren't so proper and had to be health conscious.

If I stand up I have a little more room to pull.

See my technique?

Got a little leverage here.

This is not as easy at it looks.

No, Mom, Grandpa said I could.


Amy said...

Yeah...not so fun for mom! Now, every time he sees a box of kleenex he thinks he is entitled to it! He doesn't understand why sometimes it's o.k. and sometimes it's not! Crazy Grandpa! He's cleaning up the mess from now on!

Susan said...

We've had the same mess at our house, only it's usually me that lets them go out---Ken is too much of a neat freak. I love the picture of you & Wayne, brings back a lot of memories. That's how I picture you two in my mind.

Colett (*.*) said...

Grandpa is a push over. The kids learn this quickly.

Margaret Kay said...

Funny for those of us who don't have to be responsible for them !!!

BTW - I like your new (old) photo. I remember that dress you wore too - and you are soooo skinny! xo

Kaye said...

I say let Grandpa and Emerson have fun! You should see what Lewis and Clark can do to a box of tissues!