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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

About once a year, I have a dream where when I am asleep, I think that something I dream is brilliant and when I wake up I realize that it was not all that brilliant but was, in fact, rather silly. Take for instance this dream that I blogged about last year. Click on My Pansy Dream. Well I had one of those dreams the other night. For some reason Wayne and I were staying at the Struther's home. Now they are our neighbors and they are fantastic people, but we have no earthy reason to stay with them and they only live a few houses away so I don't know why we were there. Anyway, as I was drifting off to sleep in my dream, I noticed the ceiling. Apparently Becky had lots of afghans, quilts and small blankets that she needed to store but didn't have the room. Sooooo, she just used push pins and tacked them all to the ceiling. It was like one giant pieced quilt above your head. I thought it was a genius idea and so beautiful. I was thinking I would run home and do the same thing to my bedroom ceiling because I have similar blankets and throws and I could copy it almost exactly. She had beauty and storage all in one "great idea". Oh that clever, clever Becky. I woke up and thought about the ceiling in my dream, which in reality was really pretty tacky looking and full of dust. Well, maybe my next dream will be the idea that makes me millions. "They"say a dream is a wish your heart makes. Now that I think about it though, "they" is Disney and although he makes wishes come true, dreams.... maybe not so much.


MOM/SUSAN said...

How very odd Joan. Not so odd that I can't say I've never had similar dreams. I used to drive Paul NUTS every single morning trying to make him tell me what my odd dreams meant. I don't do that anymore. I learned my lesson. Maybe sharing them on my blog is what I should do. By the way, are you sure tacking your quilts/afgans to the ceiling isn't just the thing to do? Hmmmm.....

Yolanda said...

Maybe you need to find your most treasured quilt and put it on display somehow. Funny dream.

Margaret Kay said...

You don't think this is a good idea? And I have been saving my best quilts for my ceiling. Maybe I could tack some quilts to my walls in my unfinished family room and save the need for insulation or paint. Hmmmm what do you think? You may have just saved me a LOT of money.

Kaye said...

Your dreams are as strange as mine!