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Saturday, April 11, 2009

I missed a National Day this week. It was "National Change your Name Day". I know there have been people who have changed their names permanently because they hated their given names. I have never really been entirely fond of Joan or Loraine (my middle name) because I thought they were a bit boring and old sounding, but I don't hate them, and given the choice I wouldn't change them because my parents thought enough of them to give them to me. How many times can I say "them"? After having said that, what is it that you love or hate about your name? And given the choice, what would YOU change it to even for a day? Maybe for just a day I would be Colett (my daughter's name) because I have always loved that name, and my middle name would be Michelle. I would be Colett Michelle Marshant spoken with a French accent.
Now it's your turn.


Jem said...

I love love love my name even though I cant meet anyone new without having to spell it and tell them its not short for anything, but Bobby said he would be Jaxton Flanza Pulver. =)

Kaye said...

I always wanted to be "Kathleen". I don't know why. . . but probably it is a good thing that it's not my name! Kathleen Collins is a bit TOO Irish sounding!

jody said...

Well, my parents named me Jodean because Jody was a boys name, but as you know only drs. offices and Jim Bob call me jodean. When I was a kid their was a cowboy show and the boys name was Jody and I hated it then. "Jody" is ok for me, maybe Abbey would be better. If we had another girl her name would of been Abbey. I do love that it is like my sister "Judy" and I love her.

Margaret Kay said...

Well, my undercover name (and I have the real/fake driver license to prove it) was Marky Onna Marchant - but I also pronounced it 'Marshont'. I like my name 'Margaret' only because (as you said) Dad thought enough of it to name me that, and I love Dad! So, Margaret I am!

Cute blog!

Lesli said...

I have never been a fan of my name either - but like you - my parents gave it to me so.... If I had to pick a new name - I would probably go with Janae (my daughter and granddaughter's middle names!