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Saturday, October 11, 2008

My husband says to me all the time...."you sure love a lot of things"..... and it's true. I get a lot of satisfaction from the every day things that are around me. I am one of those people who really does stop to smell the roses. Luckily he has made a very decent living for us which in turn has enabled me to be a homemaker. Maybe I have more time than others do because of that, and I can just reflect on what is around me a little more often.
This is the entrance to my living room. I LOVE IT because of all the angles, the curves and the pretty mouldings. In the morning, it looks completely different than it does at night. The paint is a peachy tan color and even though the walls and ceilings are all the same color, if you look at it in this picture it looks like it's painted in 10 different shades. The reveals cause shadows to form everywhere. It's so interesting to look at. I just sit back and stare at it and think that it is a work of art. I am an artist in my heart. (And sometimes even on canvas, wood or paper) Those of you with artist's hearts will know just what I mean.


Amy said...

I love your arch! I also love the white hook that you installed right in the middle of it. Gorgeous! It really adds to the room! Shouldn't there be some sort of Halloween decoration hanging from it? LOL!

Live From Mommyville... said...

I love the new photo and you and Wayne in the mountains. You guys are such a handsome couple!

Colett (*.*) said...

I remember house shopping with you and that arch had a lot to do with you guys buying the house. It's great, let's plan on painting in Jan. or Feb and get your front room the way you want it!

Colett (*.*) said...

oh yeah, BTW, I love your new blog header picture. What brilliant and talented photographer took that magnificent shot? You guys are HOT!