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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The pioneer day activities were fun but we were exhausted and HOT! My son-in-law Matt has a brother that is kind enough to include us in many of their family functions. Thank you Ralph and Jackie! We all went to their home for swimming and food. That is all except Wayne and me. You couldn't pay me to put on a swimsuit the way I look right now. Well, maybe if the price was right....we'll discuss that later. Anyway, Wayne doesn't particularly like pools either so we watched and sat in the shade. Big E and Wes have a tender father, son moment

Make up your own caption for this picture.

Wayne is content to just sit and watch
Here is Millie watch

She is only 4 years old and has learned to swim.
Way to go Millie!!!!!

Emerson was not sure he liked the water, but after a few minutes he was calm, unless someone splashed. The water really was warm though.

I snapped this just as Nick splashed Wes.
Wes, I think this is called a farmers's tan. Have you been workin on the old south 40?

Nick looks on as his Mom and Aunt do their Olympic trials for the water ballet.

After Amy and Colett perfect their hand-standing routine, they pop out of the water with this beautiful hair they bring to mind pictures of the FLDS polygamist wives??
Matt and Colett not only swim for fun but are training for their triathlon in September.
They have to swim 1/2 mile. I have to be honest....that scares me a little.

Isabelle is a good little swimmer but had fun paddling on the floating something-or-other.

Wes, Amy and Emerson

The whole gang

1 comment:

Colett (*.*) said...

We sure are sexy ladies in our swimming suits! Too bad we didn't make it to the olympic tryouts for syncro swimming, oh well 2012 is still a possibility.