The Real 4th of July Blog Entry 2008

We started off our 4th of July at the balloon fest in Provo, UT. I had been reading about it for a few weeks now and was really looking forward to seeing all the balloons. I thought there were supposed to be 100 of them, but when I reread the news article, it said there were to be 30. When we got there we saw maybe 6. I read later that the heat was so intense that they changed the flight schedule, took off at 6:30 a.m. and didn't bother to tell me (hmmfph) and they didn't stay up until 9 like they were supposed to. Consequently, we only got to see 2 close up. It was still a thrill and I decided that I want to go up in one of these. I told Wayne that for our 40th anniversary next year, that is what I want to do. Isn't the 40th anniversary the balloon anniversary? I love the strawberry balloon...way cute.
Later in the day, we drove to Wallsberg, UT to have a big BBQ and play day at the Ralph Yarro compound. Note: this is not the same kind of compound that you have been reading about in the newspaper in Texas. This one has a huge log party barn, volleyball net, in-ground trampoline, 2 blow up kid's bounce houses and slides, a wooden fort, an outdoor movie screen,
a bull riding machine, animal pens containing an emu, goats, sheep, horses, cows,
and Ralph and Jackie's 2nd summer mansion.

and once again our son-in-law Wes the firefighter had to work so we have no photos of him on this day. We really do love him though.

play girls

Amy spikes it. Wow, what an action shot. Look at that hair move.
Amy's turn to return the ball.

There was lots of food to eat including BBQ ribs, chicken, salad, and mashed potatoes with white gravy just like Mom's. When is the last time you had white gravy? I can't remember either and will probably not have it again until next year. We had pie for dessert. Colett and Val made delicious time consuming home made pies. I brought a delicious apple pie that I had my cook whip up. Maybe you have heard of him...Co Stco.

Let them eat pie

One of the activities available was riding the mechanical bull, and Millie did it twice. What a brave little cowgirl.

One of the activities available was riding the mechanical bull, and Millie did it twice. What a brave little cowgirl.

The ranch had lots of farm animals to interact with and Wayne showed them all to Emerson. He wasn't too sure about the horse and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I wasn't so sure about the emu because as I went to snap this picture he tried to peck me. The sheep was a love and let anyone pet it.
for when I go live in my yurt in Melrose, Montana.
We ended up high-tailing it to Lehi for the Thanksgiving Point fireworks display. What the heck does high-tailing it mean?? OK... I looked it up....A horse at a fast gallop with the tail held up straight. (Wayne did use to call me a little filly. No smirks, I know that it was a looooooong time ago) but it's not so bad being an old mare that aint what she used to be either.
Sure looks like a fun time, we may have to come for one of these fouth of July celebrations some year.
you know I forgot my camera, so I WILL be stealing these. I think I look better in the blury ones!
Lots of pictures. That's what I like. Valerie looks great. We Marchants age well, dont we?
What a fun fun day with lots of excitement and things to do. Looks like the volleyball game was a hit as well as all the animals.
Maybe you needed to explain to everyone that we don't all shop at the same store. The T-shirts are the best! Volleyball is such an easy sport for Colett and me!
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