After we painted the focal wall in the living room, we had paint left and so we decided to paint two walls in the dining room. I actually climbed up the big ladder and taped around the ceiling and walls so Wayne could begin painting. I used to get a little apprehensive about climbing after my fall a few years ago, but I think I have conquered my fear. The paint was a little dark so I added a quart of white to it. The colors looked good next to the original color so I was happy. Because of the morning light coming through the big window here you can't really see the color all that well, but if you look at the focal wall from the previous post, it's just a bit lighter.

I didn't realize the small light bulbs I bought had a purple tinge to them but for the first time in 6 years, I can see my music when I play the piano. Some day I may replace it with a more substantial fixture, but for now I am set. Ah.... teamwork.