I don't do "Spring Cleaning". It is too exhausting and stressful to me. I do most of my main cleaning after New Years. I took a cleaning class at Relief Society many years ago. I didn't incorporate everything that was taught that night but this is one thing that I do. The teacher said to clean one drawer (cabinet) each day. You will be tempted to do more, but don't. So, I take everything out of a drawer, scrub the drawer, clean the things that are in it and clean the outside of it. That's it for the day (this doesn't exclude the regular every day chores of course, just the things that you would normally consider "Spring Cleaning" chores. This works for the kitchen or bathroom. If you start at the beginning of the month, and if you have 30 cabinets and drawers, they will all be done by the end of the month. If you keep up this schedule, you will rarely ever have big chores to do and it feels like you hardly worked at all.
Now I need to incorporate this idea into my ironing. I don't like to iron and keep putting it off. a I have tried to buy clothes that don't need a lot, but I just can't let Wayne go to work in a shirt that came out of the dryer if the collar needs pressing and the sleeves need a crease. I 've been known to iron T-shirts at times too, but I did figure out a trick for them. Did you ever buy that wrinkle release spray that smells like fabric softener. You spray your t-shirt and then stretch it lightly and the wrinkles just melt away? I got some and it worked very well. Then I ran out and just sprayed it with plain water and stretched it and...voila...exactly the same results but without the smell. I did it this morning with a t-shirt that was very wrinkled. A little phsssst, phsssst and a little tug, tug and not a wrinkle in site. Maybe I will try ironing one item of clothing each day so it will never feel like a chore. If I do one article of clothing per day, I should be done by June.