My daughter Amy sent me this award for my blog. Oh thank you Amy, you made my day. You can find her clever blog at this site:

I have chosen 15, but I have many more that I could have put on this list.
To pass on the loveliness, here are the rules:
* Accept the award, and post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
* Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you have discovered and love.
* Accept the award, and post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
* Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you have discovered and love.
(You may not have that many, but whatever)
*Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
*Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Thank you bloggers for all the good reading and pictures.
1.THE RUSTIC CHICK I don't know this gal, I just stumbled upon her blog and I think it is clever and a fun read. A story of a country gal.
2.Wayne's World My hubbies blog. I LOVE to read his stories. He just doesn't update it enough. We wait with baited breath for each saga....the stories from his life.
3.Jordan Ferney Oh Happy Day! Another blog I just stumbled upon. She talks about fashion, art, and just cute things and stuff you wish you had.
4.Margaret's Blog My sister's blog. She has a way with words and has had some funny incidents in her life that make this a fun read.5.Ron Marchant's My cousin's blog, who is a fantastic photographer and although I don't understand most of his camera terms, the photography is BEAUTIFUL and well worth looking at.
6.Welton Family Blog My friend Susan's family blog. She has clever children who contribute regularly and you find yourself wanting them to contribute more and more often.
7.Ask Kari & Kijsa A blog of creativity. You find yourself wanting to copy their ideas.
8.Making Memories A scapbook blog with good photos of scrapbook ideas.
9.The Red Bulletin Board Random musings and ideas. (very clever)
10.UNCLE EDDIE'S THEORY CORNER! A bit raw sometimes, but he waxes nostalgic about people, comics, art and ideas.
11.Tip Junkie Just what it says
12.Stephanies Kitchen Simple food at it's finest
13.Pumpkinseeds Folk Art Holiday folk art
14.Totally Looks Like… Famous People and Celeb Look-A-Likes Just a funny and fun look alike site
15. Scraps of Kee My daughter-in-law's blog. She is a deep thinker and clever writer.