Wayne and I had been thinking of one day putting a niche in the wall opposite our bed but we had one of those giant TV's that would ONLY fit on the dresser in the corner. We were forced to make a decision however, because the big TV just quit working all of a sudden. No warning...just a click, click, click sound with no picture. We weren't really ready for it to die because we wanted to do research on the HDTV's first, but we did know we wanted a flat panel one to bring us into the 2000's. Well, fate tempted us into going ahead with our idea. This meant rewiring inside the wall, pulling in the TV cable, and building the niche. I must tell you that Wayne and I really do work well as a team and we have done lots of projects together and done them with few quarrels (with the exception of wallpaper hanging and that is another story entirely, and lets just say I did it all by myself after that.) Wayne is the designer, I pick the wood, we both paint, sand and spackle, he does the wiring, I am the critic who says it can be painted again and sanded again to make it look better. He is the one who roles his eyes, bites his lip and then goes ahead and does it. See that's real teamwork!

Wayne is using the nail punch and is ready to spackle.

It's painted, wired, and the cable is installed and ready for the installation.

And here is the final result. I don't have to turn on my side to watch TV any longer. I know it's not a big thing. It won't help hunger, it won't stop crime, it won't cure the common cold, but I am happy. It's the little things in life that make me just puurrr like a kitten. Now, on to sending food to the food bank, locking my doors and taking some vitamin C.