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Monday, April 18, 2011

My Favorites #3

I don't have kinky, frizzy hair, but it does get really dry and fly-away at times.  I found myself constantly spraying my hair brush with Static Guard which didn't always work.  I found this product at Wal-Mart and thought I'd give it a try.  It is John Freida Frizz-Ease. The label says it is the "SECRET WEAPON", a  flawless finishing cream which instantly camouflages imperfections, leaves dull, dry hair shiny, soft and supple.  Use anywhere, anytime.  Quite a label huh?  It sucked me in.  You apply it to dry hair by putting a small amount in your palm and then rubbing it in your hairs, especially at the dry ends.  Guess what?  It works.