Today is National Popcorn Day. Not state popcorn day, but NATIONAL POPCORN DAY!! Don't you love the smell of fresh popped corn? And the taste.....yummmy! I was given a gift (twice) for caramel popcorn with nuts, white chocolate, dark chocolate and marshmallows, but have wished for the recipe. This is the closest recipe I have found although I haven't tried it yet. If you have a recipe that is tried and true let me know.
Also, I LOVE theatre popcorn but know it is so bad for me. I break down and share a bag with Wayne when we do the movie thing but that's not very often. We usually only go to the movies a couple of times a year. I found this link for the flavoring that you can use at home.
The Orville Redenbacher microwave version is pretty good. It's Wayne's favorite, and mine is the microwave kettle corn. (also a Orville brand) You can get them in single serve mini bags so you don't over-do it.
GO POP A BAG TODAY!! You wouldn't want to miss a national celebration would you?