I have this thing for soap. I don't know why. I have been collecting ( yes, and using ) it for years. Every time we go on a trip I buy a bar or two. Every time I go to a little boutique or bath store, I buy soap. I even found a bar at the nursery where I buy my plants. I buy it at local art shows, at bazaars, at the mall, and even in little quaint stores along the road. My favorites are the ones that smell like citrus fruits, but I also like the oatmeal variety, the kind filled with seeds to be used as an exfoliant, the beautiful and mild scented French milled soaps, and the ones made with goat's milk. I buy them and give them to friends and my daughters for Christmas. I seem to remember that the ones I give my daughters end up as decorations in the bathroom instead of in the shower however. I should probably start making my own but in truth that might become work, and half the fun of soap for me is finding it. Thank you Crabtree and Evelyn, thank you E Barrett, thank you Archipelago (the pomegranate is divine) thank you Asouith and Somerset, thank you Pre' de Provence, thank you Pamplemousse,
thank you Olivia Care and thank you Dove. Now I don't know if this is connected, but I notice that when I am on walks tiny little bugs will fly in a circle over my head. I'm not sure what to make of that since I am clean. Oh, they think I am a flower. Yes that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.