Well, this is the next installment of my Christmas decorations. This is the nativity series. Once again, you may need to click and enlarge to see the details. When you see dust, just ignore that please. Sometimes the lens captures things the eyes don't see.

I have a wonderful friend named Laura that gave me this little nativity. She is a kindred spirit in so many ways to me. She is generous, funny, talented and so thoughtful and every time I look at it, I think of her.

This little nativity was found at a store here called Broadbents. It's a general store that warms your heart. It is a combination candy store, fabric store, collectibles store, toy store, antique and furniture store, housewares store etc. It reminds me of the stores in little house on the prairie and it has been around for many, many years. It's like taking a step back in time. They had a Christmas tree decorated with ceramic nativities. and this was one of them. It is housed in one of Wayne's mom's mangers.

sweet and bring back wonderful memories of our friendship.
I found this set at Sprinkler World this year. They really are a sprinkler store but at Christmas, they turn in to "Christmas World" with the most amazing decorations I have ever seen.
This is a special nativity that my son Shon made when he was in Alaska on his mission. He knew a lady that let the missionaries pick something to make their parents at her ceramic shop. I love baby Jesus because he looks like a baby and not a half grown child with his hands in the air.
This is the 3-D nativity that I got when I was a young girl in primary. It has some weak spots on it now and I am hoping it won't tear. I am thinking maybe I can take it to Kinkos to get a copy made. It is so well done and beautifully painted.

detailed and I have to say it is the most favorite of all my decorations. I usually put it up last just to remind me what Christmas is really all about. This is one that you will really need to click to enlarge to appreciate it's beauty. OK, this is chapter two of my decorations. I'm not done yet.
Stay tuned for the rest of the story.