Last week I had a darling little boy come to spend the night. He was 2 years old and we had a great time together. He played with his diggers, his guitar, his Grandpa, the dog and me. We played hide and seek and where is the belly button and then watched cartoons on my bed.
Needless to say, he never found out what Sponge Bob did that day. Nite, nite precious.
Then this week, that little guy turned three. I can't believe it was three years ago that he came into our lives.

Playing the cardboard guitar I made him and making a face at me. He is known for his myriad of funny faces.
Resident tub cleaner
Mr. Cool
Happy Birthday Emerson. You are the funniest little guy we know. We always tell him he is handsome, unique, smart, and wonderful because he is.