This Saturday Wes, Amy, Emerson, Wayne and I went to the 2009 Utah Art's Festival. It is the 3rd year that we have gone. It's a great people watching event, an art show, a food and film festival and talent show all rolled into one. The poor economy has shown it's face here too with fewer booths, fewer large art spectacles and music groups but it was still worth going. The following pictures show my favorite art booths.
There were several metal sculpture artists this year and all of them did amazing work. This artist did just cacti. They were very expensive cacti. He had photos of them in front of several mansions. They will not be in front of my home but I think they are clever and beautiful.
I think real cacti are pretty easy to take care of, but these need no water at all.
They were quite large, probably life size, so you would have to have just the right place to "plant" them.
This artist did her sculptures using black wire. This old raven looks eerily lifelike.
One of my favorite booths at the festival was this one. This artist builds all of his sculptures by welding scrap metal, nuts, bolts, screws, springs, old machine parts and whatever he can salvage. Each sculpture is full of humor as you can see. This skeleton (I think he is a head hunter)
is actually a torch. He is holding a spear with a butane bottle attached.

Whenever you hear the someone say they will do something when pigs fly, you can now expect it to be done. As you can see, here is a flying pig.
Little Shop of Horrors is missing their plant.
Here is a bolt legged spider and a small army tank.
I have wanted this for three years. It really tickles my funny bone. But until I get my bag of cash from somewhere, I will have to covet it. It is hard to see because with my bad leg I can't get on my hands and knees to photograph anymore. There are two little creatures carrying a gnome away on their shoulders. I would find a place to put it.

There was a booth where you could go and make yourself a hat. Now, just because you "can" make them doesn't mean you have to wear them does it? They were made from paper bags and covered with all kinds of jewels, paint, felt, and scrapbook doodads.

Wayne and Wes were a little bored so they sat in front of the stage acts. Emerson fell asleep and it gave Amy and me a chance to see booths that didn't appeal to their manly senses.
I love this curtain and window frame sculpture.
You can make up your own interpretation for this one but I love to read and this one touched my heart. If you want to see more, go to
Whenever you hear the someone say they will do something when pigs fly, you can now expect it to be done. As you can see, here is a flying pig.
There was a booth where you could go and make yourself a hat. Now, just because you "can" make them doesn't mean you have to wear them does it? They were made from paper bags and covered with all kinds of jewels, paint, felt, and scrapbook doodads.
These two pictures are a few of the signs that the artists painted and had reproduced and applied to wood to look like real old signs.
Wayne and Wes were a little bored so they sat in front of the stage acts. Emerson fell asleep and it gave Amy and me a chance to see booths that didn't appeal to their manly senses.
and fun. I visited with her and she said she sits for long periods of time just thinking, and that these pieces of artwork are the result. Don't you love the tennis shoes on this one? She said they were once key chains.
paints her paintings using only a palette knife. You can see more of her artwork at