These are the photos (taken on our trip to Idaho) that make me smile. I am always on the lookout for unusual things to photograph and I have my eye out for the quirky or different things to make my trip more interesting. Sometimes I really have to look and sometimes they just present themselves to me. On this trip, both things happened.
Look at these yummy baby Canadian geese. Look even closer. I must be a pretty good photographer to catch the baby on the left just as he....well you see.
For those who wonder what Wayne does for a living, this is it. He engineers the building of these large feed and grain mills. They put together everything from the elevator legs to the augers to the bins and storage tanks. Wayne sells, plans and oversees their construction.
Halverson Company Agriculture Solutions Home
This is a lady that must have had her hey-day in the late 60's. She is wearing a mini skirt, her hair is in a straight bob, and she is wearing white lipstick. I remember white lipstick (and maybe even wore some at one time). Alas, the restaurant is no more, but her glory is still beckoning people to town. I love her!! She is very tall as you can see as you size her up to the buildings behind her.

It was definitely one of those double-take moments.
This is a wooden carving next to the entrance of a golf course. I couldn't get the top of the feather in the photo because I was in the car when I snapped it, but I would guess it to be about 20 feet tall.

Mmmmmm, makes me hungry. There used to be a sign saying that you could get a free potato
if you visited the museum. The sign is gone and so are the free potatoes. Darn, this economy.
These are the fuel storage tanks at a gas station that are painted to advertise Coke products.
I wonder if they make people driving by want to stop at the station for a cool one?
Wayne was in a meeting and I was sitting in the car reading when I noticed this van. Enlarge the picture and you will see it's a little ironic that the messages on the back and middle doors are about an Orthopedics business and the front door advertises a ski resort. It's a kind of "you butter my palms, and I'll butter yours"
if you visited the museum. The sign is gone and so are the free potatoes. Darn, this economy.

I wonder if they make people driving by want to stop at the station for a cool one?


This is just a great old smokestack that is still standing next to a business that no longer uses it.

This is just a great old smokestack that is still standing next to a business that no longer uses it.
It must have been something in it's day.