This Wednesday marks the 60th anniversary of my Mom and Dad. That is a big deal and quite an achievement in this world today. I love these two people so much that it makes me cry if I think about it too much. I can't imagine not ever having them in my life. They are the salt of the earth. They are so service oriented, and such a good example to me of the way a person should live their lives. They are spiritual, talented, fun loving, generous, and stalwarts in the gospel of Jesus Christ. When I grow up, I want to be just like them.

This is what they looked like at their high school prom.....yes they were high school sweethearts.

This is a picture of young parents with the world in front of them. Little did they know then of the trials that awaited them in this life. ( Mostly problems brought on by us children.)

This was 10 years ago at their 50
th anniversary celebration, sitting in the same building in the same place and using the same pose as the prom picture in the first photo.

This is a picture of how they look today. Don't they look great for being 80? Besides their anniversary, it is also Mom's 80
th birthday the same day. Happy Birthday Mom. Dad actually won't be 80 until June and he always teases Mom about being an older woman. Older but wiser, I say. Wink! "Because of You" is their enjoy.