Here is my answer to Amy's "tag" about the quirks that I may have. She says to list 6. I guess we all have our little idiosyncrasies but these are the things that YOU have come up with for me.
1. Wayne said he couldn't think of any quirks that I have. He has lived with me for 39 years so he thinks everything is just normal around here. He said if I do have any it changes from day to day and he doesn't notice. I'll post this before he changes his mind.
2. Margaret reminded me that I don't like my food to touch on my plate. She will take potatoes, corn, chicken and anything else and just mix them together in a big blob and eat it. I really don't want my food to touch. I have heard the " it all goes to the same place" routine, but I don't taste it in my stomach. I don't like my eggs to touch my pancakes and syrup and I certainly can't eat dessert off of a plate that had meat and veggies on it. I have been that way since I was a kid. Now does that make me quirky or just a person of good tastes?

Does that make me quirky or just normal? Everyone is like that right?

4. Colett reminded me that I have this aversion to the bandleader on the Conan O'Brien show. His name is Max Weinberg and for some reason I don't even want to look at him. Every time he comes on I turn the channel. I hope when Conan takes over for Jay Leno he doesn't bring him along. He is also the drummer for Bruce Springsteen. I don't know why I don't like him except I think he is a perv. One time when my son-in-law Wes was visiting, he messed with my computer so that when I turned it on the following morning the wall paper was covered with his picture. EWWWW! Now does that make me quirky or just discriminating? I can't even post his picture.

5. Kaye Collins mentioned that I decorate for every holiday and that is true. Wayne built a loft in the garage to hold all my stuff. I feel bad that there is nothing to decorate for in January, June, and August. I take every normal thing down and put up my holiday decorations. I do it for Valentine's Day, a few things for St. Patty's Day, Memorial Day, Easter, 4th of July, Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Halloween and Christmas really get me excited. Does that make me quirky or am I just full of holiday spirit? Oh, I decorated my dog Fozzie last year too.
6. I HATE looking for things so I have an organization system for my home. I hang my clothes organized in colors. All blues in one section, all reds in one, etc. Also, all my crafts supplies are in plastic bins and have labels, my magazines and craft books are in those wonderful IKEA holders (red... my favorite color) and all my spices are organized in alphabetical order. I have a computer file with the contents of my freezer and food storage shelves, and when I take away or add to them I can go in and modify the file. I always know what I have. My house is usually pretty tidy too but I'm not obsessive about it and it doesn't bother me if your home is not tidy or organized. Does that make me quirky or just organized?