Today is National Ice Cream Day. You plan to celebrate don't you? It wouldn't be very patriotic not to. What do your choices tell about your personality? I am sure this is a "really" scientific
study, so if you don't know your own personality, this will tell you.
I prefer mint chocolate chip or vanilla loaded with nuts and chocolate. I will have to make up my own personality traits. So this is what I think: I am a family person, lively, creative, idealistic, conservative, detail oriented, and competent. However......I have been known to indulge in a little vanilla with strawberries too though, and maybe Moose tracks, butter brickle, and peanut butter cup on occasion. I have also dabbled in heath bar or Oreo ice cream so let's just say I have a well rounded personality and a well rounded......well never mind. In actuality, I don't eat it that often, but when I do I really do enjoy it.
Pick your favorite ice cream flavor and find out what it says about your personality.
1. Vanilla 2. Chocolate 3. Butter pecan 4. Banana 5. Strawberry 6. Chocolate chip
If you like vanilla , you are colorful, impulsive, a risk taker who sets high goals and has high expectations of yourself. You also enjoy close family relationships. Gregarious, lives a hectic life. Easily suggestible, expressive, idealistic; a private person.(Prototype lovelorn housewife.)
1. Vanilla 2. Chocolate 3. Butter pecan 4. Banana 5. Strawberry 6. Chocolate chip
If you like vanilla , you are colorful, impulsive, a risk taker who sets high goals and has high expectations of yourself. You also enjoy close family relationships. Gregarious, lives a hectic life. Easily suggestible, expressive, idealistic; a private person.(Prototype lovelorn housewife.)
If you like chocolate, you are lively, creative, dramatic, charming, enthusiastic and the life of the party. Chocolate fans enjoy being at the center of attention and can become bored with the usual routine. Seductive, well-dressed, extroverted, easily influenced, a follower, intuitive, enjoys intimate relationships.(Prototype: feminine woman, macho man.)
If you like butter pecan, you are orderly, perfectionist, careful, detail-oriented, conscientious, ethical and fiscally conservative. You are also competitive, aggressive in sports and the take-charge type of personality.(Prototype: executive, secretary.)
If you like banana, you are easy going, well adjusted, generous, honest and empathetic.(Prototype: the perfect husband, wife, parent or child.)
If you like strawberry, you are shy, yet emotionally robust, skeptical, detail-oriented, opinionated, introverted and self critical. Easily made to feel guilty; cranky, pessimistic, low self-esteem.(Prototype: bureaucrat, journalist.)
If you like chocolate chip, you are generous, competitive and accomplished. You are charming in social situations, ambitious and competent. A visionary, a conqueror, enjoys being catered to, a go-getter, intolerant of defeat.(Prototype: Industry leaders, voted most likely to succeed in school.)
Compatibility:If your favorite flavor is:
Vanilla - you are most likely to be compatible with someone whose favorite flavor is vanilla.
Chocolate - compatible with butter pecan or chocolate chip.
Butter pecan - compatible with butter pecan, chocolate and chocolate chip.
Banana - compatible with all flavors.
Strawberry - compatible with chocolate chip.
Chocolate chip - compatible with butter pecan or chocolate.
Chocolate - compatible with butter pecan or chocolate chip.
Butter pecan - compatible with butter pecan, chocolate and chocolate chip.
Banana - compatible with all flavors.
Strawberry - compatible with chocolate chip.
Chocolate chip - compatible with butter pecan or chocolate.
I think I am compatible with about everyone!