We checked out of our motel room and had time to waste before heading to the airport so we just toured Phoenix. We checked out a big casino because nothing else was open yet because I wanted to find a Christmas ornament. We always get a new one when we go on a trip. The only thing I found there was a group of people that were squandering their hard earned cash and didn't like they could afford to. I felt pity for them. I also came out with my hair smelling like smoke and I could hardly stand it. We stopped at a park and I walked around to try to let my hair air out. The park had a pond in the center of it and this is what I found in one area. You know how you sometimes find pop bottles, papers, cigarette butts, etc. in stagnant water? This one was full of that too but there were also oranges. There must have been an orange tree somewhere along the edge and they floated to this area. It seemed like such a waste. I love fresh oranges and almost jumped in to rescue a few.
full of their perfume. This was a month ago mind you. Ah spring.
I looked out the window and what did I see, pop-corn popping on the apricot tree.

This was a most fascinating thing to see. A tree farm, (a palm tree farm to be exact), as far as the eye could see. Little baby palm trees all in a row. This is one reason I love to travel.
I love that Heavenly Father gives us variety on this earth, different kinds of beauty to make our souls sing. Tra la la
Hopefully, I will return to Arizona one day in the not too distant future, and I will drag along my children.