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Friday, July 15, 2011

This Year's Flowers

These are in my flower pots in 2011

I planted these Black Eyed Susan vines this year. They are so cute. The centers just look like polka dots but they are shaped more like a trumpet. So far they are growing about 6" a day. I have had to cut them back 3 times.

I thought these were so delightful and put them in planters on my deck. The tag said they bloom all summer. I got a few weeks out of them and then they went into hibernation. Aren't they amazing? I can't remember what they are. My fingers are crossed that they will once again give me a show.

Little yellow daisies are a happy, happy flower

Non-stop tuberous begonias like shade, and my deck table is the right spot for them.  They are also one of my very favorite flowersI know, I seem to have many favorites.

These little beauties bloom without fail and are one of the staples of  my flower potsThey come in so many colors and are called Vinca.

African daisies are just abut the cutest flower around.

I also have the usual pansies, geraniums, petunias and primroses and zinnia.......yea, I live in a flower garden and I love it.  When I die, don't put me in a fancy coffin, just a wooden box covered with flowers.