I am STILL thinking about old things, of the things that are "GONE", the things that I loved and can't get any more. I have a partially used bottle of Postum and when that is gone, it will only be a memory. Did you know that Kraft Foods quit making it? I loved Product 19 cereal and it just disappeared from the grocery shelves. I think you can get it on the east coast in some places but not here.
I LOVED Quench pop. I used to be able to get it in Powell, Wyoming at the golf course and now I can't find it at all. It was made from pummelo grapefruit and had the most refreshing flavor. It was like Squirt.... but better. I use to love a lotion called Cara Nome that you could get at the Rexall Drug but that is no more, and Wayne used to wear an after shave called "Black Watch" that smelled soooo good and that is now only a memory. I wish that when companies decide to stop making a product they would tell us (me) first so I could stock up. When I was a young girl I used to like "Evening in Paris" perfume but maybe it's good that I can't find that any more. I think it was a cheapy fragrance. Ah sweet memories!! Maybe I should stop waxing nostalgic and just look to the future, but what fun is that?