My grand daughter turned 6 this week. Her name is Amelia but we call her Millie, or Silly Millie, or Millie Moo. What little girl wouldn't like the party her Mom threw for her this year? She got flowers, food, crafts, dancing, gifts and spankings and a pinches to grow on.

Millie in a new sundress

Some of the guests arrived early because it was too exciting to wait. They all wore their best dresses and sat at the table covered with a lace tablecloth. FANCY! Grandpa Wayne checks to make sure everything is A-OK. Or maybe he stole a little candy bar.

They were served heart shaped peanut butter sandwiches. Why? Because it was an Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter Tea Party, that's why. The queen of hearts might have had something to do with this.

Each girl had her own tea cup set and got to take it home. We found them at D.I. for 50 cents each. Nobody drinks tea in teacups any more so it was a little hard to find them. You can find LOTS of mugs but not that many real teacups. Maybe they will become vintage treasures one day.
Colett collects (say that ten times really fast) silver tea pots so they fit right in with the decor and held the lemonade. They also go to munch on grapes, strawberries, and fun licorice and of course chocolate.

This is
Colett, the hostess with the

Daddy Matt is always available to help.

Isabelle and her friends serves as the waitresses. Every time a little girl needed something, they just raised their hand and these girls were at their beck and call.

The Head Waitress

The girls got to decorate their mad hats.
Colett had already put ribbon and flowers on them
and they just had to finish decorating with glitters, foam stick-
ons etc.

The whole back yard was decorated and the weather cooperated fully.

Balloon flowers at the exit say, come again in a couple of years and see what
kind of party there will be. Millie was a lucky lady this year.