This is one of those gushy posts. You know the kind that makes you want to stick your finger down your throat and pretend to vomit. There is kind of a running joke that when women write on their blogs, they tend to skip over the problems and blemishes of what's real in their lives, and just write those things that they wish were real but aren't. Now comes the gushy part. I have this husband that really IS amazing. One of the things that he regularly does once the frost has killed all the flowers outside, is to bring me bouquets for no reason at all except that he was thinking of me and because he knows that I love flowers so much. This isn't just an isolated incident. He does it rather often and my heart melts each time. This weekend he also put up the Christmas lights. He took a vacation day to do it and we worked together and put them on the house, the front plum trees and the back trees too. I have to mention here that Christmas lights are about my favorite thing in the world. Walking through temple square during the holidays and seeing all the lights is the equivalent of sneaking a peek into heaven. So this week I have flowers, lights and my hubby home all at the same time. He also took me to breakfast and dinner. Can you say spoiled rotten? Have you gagged yet? I just truly feel blessed to have such a good man in my life and blessed that he treats me like a queen 95% of the time. Now to make it real, I will say that the other 5% of the time he drives me nuts. I can't think how at the moment, but it will come back to me the next time I need to pout and sulk. I mean, he's not perfect and to be honest I pretty much deserve it. I am a heck of a wife.