You will get tired before this post is done. I collect Santa Clause figures and am posting many of them. This is not my entire collection though, just the main ones in the upstairs. I have a basement full too. It's a little excessive, I know, but I don't know anyone who loves Christmas as much as I do, so I just go with my feelings. Some day when I am gone the kids will have to have an auction on E-Bay. I have other wonderful decorations that I will post on my next blog entry, but this will do for today. You may want to enlarge some of them to see detail better.

This is a Santa that is a reproduction of a carved Santa. Some day I will get artist Ken Acton to carve me a real one. But still, I LOVE him!!

This is a little Santa in a sleigh that my sister and her husband picked out for me. It made me feel so special because I know they were thinking of me when they got it. I LOVE it!!

These are all the little collectible Santa figurines that I have either collected or painted. I LOVE them!!

What house is complete without a Santa rug? Oh, you don't have one?

When I was a little girl, my Grandma had a set of nesting figures. I can't remember if it was Santa or nesting dolls but when I saw these in the drug store I had to have them. It seems to be one of Emerson's favorite things to play with too.

Cute little tole painted Santa scene that I painted. It was fun painting the fire and a sock for each of my kids.

OK, this is almost my favorite Santa because I painted him. I got a canvas , adhered fabric to it and then panted on the fabric. The green areas are where the fabric shows through, and the rest is painted. It was a fun project and I keep thinking I will do it again but haven't yet. Amy tap-tapped it when I die.

Garage sale find #1. I took him home and painted him because I can never leave things alone. His suit looks like it's covered with soot and I LOVE him!!

My garage sale find...very ugly at first but I took it home and repainted it and now I LOVE him!!

It's hard to tell from the picture, but this is a relief wall plaque, quite big and hangs above my doorway. I have never seen another one before or since I got it and to tell you the truth. I really LOVE IT!!

There is nothing sentimental about this Santa except I think he is really cute. I got him this year and he had a broken antler so I got it for $4.00. I took the antler home and glued it on. It's not perfect but I really like him.

This is a keepsake that was given to us by Wayne's Mom many, many years ago. He is made out of a small brandy snifter and has a Styrofoam ball for a head and felt everything else. We put hard tack candy in his tummy and have each year since the kids were little. She was not a real crafty person and the fact that she made it for us makes it even more special. I LOVE it!

This is a pewter Santa . He is dimensional and wonderful and my daughter Colett gave it to me.
I really LOVE it!!

This is a Santa with a burlap hat and a rope beard. I couldn't resist that cute face. He was painted so badly, that I redid almost everything about him and now I LOVE him!

This is a Santa from the Christmas Store. He has a little hammer, tools and is making a train engine. I love his striped socks and his kitty. I LOVE him!!

How cute is this Santa layout? There is an old fashioned photographer with camera, Mrs. Santa, a tree with presents and 4 children. I feel like a little girl playing doll house again when I set it out. I LOVE IT! Oops. the roly, poly Santa in the front shouldn't be there. Some tiny grandson had something to do with that but I didn't catch it when I took the picture.

Here is one of my Costco Santa's. As you can see, he is as tall as the arm of the sofa. He is carrying toys and has a knitted sock and gloves. He is beautiful and I LOVE him!

Oh that Costco. Over the years you cannot believe the beautiful Christmas things
that they carried. I was their #1 customer. The prices were so reasonable and other stores that carried similar things were priced at least 500% higher. This Santa is one of my favorites He is dressed so beautifully, and he came with a real working Grandfather clock. I LOVE him!!!!!!

This is a Santa I painted many years ago. He is wood and 3 dimensional. I Love him!

These are Santa candles, but who could ever burn them? They are way too cute. The boxes I made and they say gum drops, candy canes and sugar plums. Amy made a set too but hers were a little different color. I LOVE them!

These are some Santa's that I have just collected from various stores over the years. They are antique reproductions of European Santa's. I LOVE them!

These are ceramic Santa's that my mother made for each year for 5 years and oh how "I LOVE them". I have seen several other people's work who used the same mold but they weren't anywhere near as nice as mine. Thanks Mom!!

This is a Santa in a sleigh that was one of the larger collectibles at Costco. He measures about 27" tall and 30" long. I LOVE him.

These are my collectible Santa's. Some are from the Christmas stores and were quite expensive and some were from Costco and were not. Costco doesn't carry them anything like them anymore but they are wonderfully detailed and I LOVE them!

This is a paper mache' face that I painted, glued raffia on for his beard and then made him a velvet hat with a big bell on the tip.

These are reproduction antiques that I got in the Raffia store in Montana. And again, I LOVE them!

This is an almost life size Santa. Well I guess he is life size because Santa is an elf. The grandkids can sit on his lap and ask for their Christmas desires. Emerson always goes and gives him loves.
I really, really, really LOVE him!!

The large Santa was made by an artist in Cheyenne, Wy and was given to us by Jill and Lew Stubbs. The little ones are ceramic and wood which I painted. Gosh I LOVE it!!

This was a Santa I found at a craft store but he had no color and was very ugly......I repainted it and now I really like him.

This Santa is carved to look like a giant pinecone on the bottom and with his face on the top.
Well you get to see a little of my obcession.
The commercial aspect of Santa is not what appeals to me at all.
To me, Santa is symbolic of Christ. He gives to everyone, he is not a respector of persons, he loves all, sacrifices for those that he loves and he is forever unchanging. He wants us to be happy and to fill our homes with love, peace and goodwill. I will look at my Santa collection every day but in my heart I know that the real spirit of the season is because of the birth of our Savior and I am so blessed to know that I am loved by him.