I have a little lady in my life that I love. She is barely 5 feet tall, full of spit and vinegar and has a heart of gold. She would, and does, help anyone who asks her to do anything. I'm trying to teach her the word "NO" but so far she is not very good at it. She married my son 15 years ago, came down from Alaska to live with us (she was alone) brought my first grandson with her and waited for Shon to join her. What a huge adjustment she must have had. She rarely got back to Alaska and has made Montana her home. She has given me 4 beautiful grandchildren. She teaches them correct principles , she loves my son unconditionally, and I think she even loves Wayne and me a lot too. I am so proud of the woman she has become and consider her my daughter and one of my best friends. Happy Birthday Kee. One of the grandchildren she gave us was also born on her birthday. Toby is 8 and was baptised on Sunday. What a doll he is. He is one of those children that was born with a happy soul. When he was tiny, he smiled 24/7 and loved everyone. He is a fun little guy that always has a giggle to share. He always has a hug for you and will hold your hand any time. We love you Toby William and Happy Birthday to you too.