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Once again this may be a post that you will want to click on to enlarge the pictures for better viewing.
Matt and Colett started a tradition about 4 years ago. They take their kids to the zoo the week before school starts. Anyone else who wants to tag along is invited, so Amy, Wes, Emerson and
did the tagging. Some years at the zoo have have been very hot because we go in August and a bottle of water was a must, but this year it was overcast, in the 80's and very nice. It was a good day for a hike up and down the zoo paths. The zoo has a new baby elephant but it's not on view yet as they give the mom and baby time to adjust but there was a new baby giraffe. I am awed by the grace and beauty of the giraffes and their markings are beautiful.
Look at at that eye....beautiful. You can't really see how long the lashes are from this picture, but they are loooong.
Here is the baby born in July. He was outside sunbathing and as we starting taking pictures, he started literally posing as he went from sitting to standing to yoga poses, then to looking forward and then sideways. He was doing his public relations job very well. What a doll. I love him.
I snapped the picture as he looked up.
The orangutan was too social today.

This was a tiny owl that was brought to the zoo because it had lost an eye and couldn't fend for itself any more. It was darling, and only about 12" tall.
Who doesn't love a penguin? These are a warm weather variety, but this ones loves standing in the water by the faucet.

The black bear came out to give us a shot too. They were walking around and finally decided to take a nap. Yes, I would like to hug him, but I know better. During the millenium I will take a shot at it.
Who designed these creatures? Beautiful.
I don't remember what this is but I was looking for the merecat and this was not one.
This camel is a crazy looking animal, especially the ones with the 2 humps. I would have liked to have been around during the design meeting when God was deciding how to build this guy.
This was a tiny owl that was brought to the zoo because it had lost an eye and couldn't fend for itself any more. It was darling, and only about 12" tall.
while we were on a family trip to South Dakota when we were kids so I still call them that. I know they are pests to ranchers, but since I am not one, I will enjoy them as God's little
commune creatures. When I was looking at them, one of them jumped up in the air and barked. After reading the sign, that is normal. One of the little guys is the guardian and when someone gets too close he does that as a warning to the rest of the commune to hide.
The black bear came out to give us a shot too. They were walking around and finally decided to take a nap. Yes, I would like to hug him, but I know better. During the millenium I will take a shot at it.
I don't get it...just saying.
Heavenly mother must have designed this one with the beauty of the color, the pattern of the feathers, the crown, the strut...all but the voice. We have one that lives next to us and you can hear it for blocks around.

The elephant is another crazy looking animal, but after seeing shows about their intelligence, their sense of family and their work ethic, I think they are one of the most fabulous animals ever born.
Another monkey. His hair reminds me of the styles of the 60's. Groovy man!
Lovely little face. Crazy back.
Not a lovely face, and one of the strangest animals ever. I'm not sure of their purpose or place in the universe, but they are fun to look at.
The other animals at the zoo. Nick picks the nose of the great ape. Normal behavior for a 12 year old.
Here Nick wears his new fedora. He says it's his signature look for the year. Cool dude nick.
Millie is showing me the entrance to her make believe home.
Emerson and Isabelle
Millie, Nick and E
Amy, Wes and E check out the rhino.
The Yarro group
Belle rides on the carousel
The elephant is another crazy looking animal, but after seeing shows about their intelligence, their sense of family and their work ethic, I think they are one of the most fabulous animals ever born.
started to walk to click the picture. I think his talents lie in another venue.
The Holmes family
Colett is the same height as a full grown female ape but her arms need to grow a little as does her girth.
Emerson really wasn't all that thrilled with the animals. Other little kids around us were screaming with delight as they spotted them, but he LOVED the carousel and the little mini train that chugged around part of the zoo. To each his own.
Millie picked the kangaroo for her carousel ride. I loved the carousel because all the rides were zoo animals or bugs. I wish I had taken more pics of them.
The turtle exhibit. Maybe this will teach Nick how to slow down a little.....nah, it ain't gonna happen.
We had a great day. We missed Wayne, once again as he had to work. What? Doesn't his boss know that family day at the zoo is more important than price negotiations and building specs?
Looking forward to 2010.