May is a big month for special occasions in our family: Mother's Day, and the birthdays of Colett(4th), Amy (9th), Alex (25th), Greg (5th), Debi (10th), Jem(21st), Kymbre' (18th), Matt J.(30th) and two of my favorite men, hubby Wayne (20th)and son-in-law Wes (21st). Whew, what was in the food of their mothers in August? Then... my nephew Ammon is getting married on the 22nd and Colett's and Matt's anniversary is on the 6th.
It's constant "party time" and "spend the money" time around here. We celebrated Mother's Day and Colett's and Amy's birthday on the same day, and now Wayne and Wes will have their chance together. Same party, separate cakes. What lovely men these two are. Caring, hard working, and just plain wonderful. Happy birthday to them both, You are truly loved!!!!
I better head to the store.