We were visiting in Montana last month to see our son and his family. Shon and Kee moved from Billings to Hamilton, Montana this summer. Shon had lived in Billings his whole life except for a while at college and a couple of years in Alaska where he served a mission. I was not sure how the family would do with the big move but they all like their new home and area even better than they liked Billings. It is supposedly a beautiful area, but when we were there the fires in Idaho and Montana were so bad that we couldn't tell. Glacier Park was beautiful but the closer we got to Hamilton, the smokier it got. We couldn't even see across the street, The smoke was overwhelming and after 3 days of it I was ready to get back to Utah. When we got home the car, our clothes, suitcases and bodies smelled like smoke. After detailing the car, the smell still lingers. Now I worry about the lungs of Shon and family for having to live in it so long. We had a great time. Shon and Wayne fished, Kee and I went to antique, craft and scrapbook stores and just hung out. The kids were in school each day so we didn't get to see enough of them. Joey is in cross country so had a meet out of town and when I took parting photos, he was not in them. Sorry Joey. ( Next time)

I hadn't gotten a photo of Shon and Kee for quite a long time. Here is the newest.
Lissie (the girl) with Grandma
Wayne and Shon
Wayne and "the girl"
Two of my most favorite men
Toby the twelve year old
Lissie had just gotten up and wasn't ready for pictures, but I had to show her new red hair color. She looks good with red hair and she did smile. Alex is living in Billings still so I didn't get to photograph him. Next time I 'll get photos of him and Joey. It seems weird to have Alex up and out of the nest. Where, oh where does the time go?