My Little buddy!

Wayne and I have been empty nesters for several years now with the exception of our pets. When my poodle "Dusty" died I couldn't bear it and swore I wouldn't get a dog again for a very long time, if ever. Dusty was the smartest dog I had ever known. He played the piano and sang as he played, he played hide and seek, he did many tricks and was my little buddy. 5 years ago Wayne found a little red poodle for sale in Great Falls, Montana and asked if I was ready yet for a new dog. I didn't think I was but said maybe. He got it for me for Christmas and I love him so much. He is such a good boy, never poops on the floor and was very easy and quick to train. He is very affectionate and loves everyone. He barks when you leave because he doesn't want you to go, and he will sit on the bed and babysit the grandkids when they nap. His color is fading out a little but when we got him he was a very dark auburn color. We named him Fozzie because he looked like Fozzie Bear from the Muppets. He has his flaws.....barks too loud when someone comes by the house, licks too much and he is a wimp. He is afraid of loud noises, plastic bags, and getting under obstacles, but that's good in some ways because it keeps him out of the garbage. He will chase his stuffed squirrel for hours and loves Sunday mornings when Wayne and I are both still in bed and he can be the center of attention. He loves to chase the birds and kitties from our yard and I plant him his own cherry tomato plant because he LOVES tomatoes and will snack on them all summer when I let him out.