I turned 59 this week. This has not been a good year as far as aging goes. This is a warning....at this age you will look in the mirror one day and see nothing, and the very next day you have eye wrinkles, neck wrinkles, yellowing teeth and your hair starts to fall out. How come the outside never reflects the me inside? I am glad that Wayne has to wear reading glasses now because he can't see my defects as well with his glasses off.
Have you ever tried to paint a face? When you are younger, it is harder to draw or do portraiture of those young faces because there are no lines or character in them. This year I have officially reached the character status. Do I care? Yes, a little. Who wants all those things? Does it bother me a lot? NO! I would prefer not having jowls or having to dye my roots so often, but in the scheme of things, it just doesn't matter that much yet. I will continue to use my moisturizer, pluck the extra hair out of my chin once in a while, spend money at Sally's beauty supply and wish I could fit in my high school jeans and yet not obsess about it. I try to eat healthy things, hope to ramp up the exercise and to continue to take my supplements. I don't want this body to wear out before it's time and despite my short comings, I really do love myself for who God made me to be. He gave me a great working body with a loving heart, a contrite spirit most of the time, my own special talents, and family and friends who care about me. How great is that?? I can smile.

Amy made me this beautiful handmade lace and floral card.
Ahhhhh! Thanks Amy.

Oh, but here is the inside. We have a family joke that at Christmas Santa comes, at Easter the bunny comes and at your birthday, it's the birthday badger. Scary isn't it? And oh so funny at least in our minds. Tee

The attending grandchildren dog pile. Nick always gets the worst of it because he is always on the bottom.

My birthday hug.

Isabelle, Emerson and Mama Amy. Let the party begin!! Emerson LOVES ice cream just like his Mama, but it always gives him brain freeze and a cold throat so he cries while eating it but he won't stop.

Millie Moo, my youngest granddaughter and cutie
Colett, my daughter and chef of the lemon birthday cake tradition
which is one of my favorite traditions.

Nick...my soon to be teenager (next week) grandson
Matt... my son-in-law and my personal computer tech

Wes, the sous chef and son -in-law

Top chef and birthday coordinator

It's always nice to have help blowing out the candles. We just put on 9... for the 9 years.
The extra 50 would have burned down the house.
I am glad that you had a good birthday and that birthday badger didn't have to get the claws out! It is fun to live so close to each other so that we can all celebrate special events together! You are beautiful inside and out so don't worry about the wrinkles, fine lines and chin hairs because I deal with those in my 30's!
I too think that you are beautiful inside and out. Happy Birthday Auntie Joan!
Jemmie Poo
May I just say,"well put".
Oh, Joan, I do love you. I still haven't forgiven you for moving away! You told the story of aging so well in this post. I do think think that who we are shows on the outside. Your outsides are beautiful and they match your insides. I did think of your birthday this month, but did I call you?? Sorry.
You are really beautiful ! What a wonderful birthday Joan and your family is just beautiful too. I am with you on all you said about aging...it can be the pits sometimes and I have learned it's true when my Nana told me years ago " When you're over 50 you become invisible except to those who love you !" I am a year younger than you and am just glad I'm still here and kicking !!!
I think you are one smoking hot 59 year old mama! i don't see any wrinkles. luv u!
I "biggified" your picture to see if you had wrinkles and girl you don't have many, still look pretty darn good. My 4 year old granddaughter asked me how old I was, I said I was 59 which is pretty darn old. She told me "you're not old, you just look old!
Oh Just Joan, I forgot your birthday and it was on my calendar:( I am not a very good friend, so sorry. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love the birthday badger idea and the card Amy made with the scarey badger. I will say ditto on all of your words about getting another year older. I will also say you look as wonderful as a person that you are. Hope you had a great day. The party looks fun and you are lucky to have such a great family. We like them too.
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