Amy used to work at the Sundance outlet and at the Sundance headquarters. Every year there is a sale for family and friends and we get to go with her. You have to stand in line much like you do at Disneyland and the minute the doors open, everyone runs to their favorite spot and starts shopping. There is a method to the best shopping technique which I haven't mastered yet but which many of the seasoned pros have. There are no carts so you need to take your own shopping bags or scoot a basket on the floor from place to place. We had small shopping bags which was OK but not the best for grabbing and bagging. The thing to do is just grab what you think you might like, then go to a corner and try it on to see if it fits. Within an hour everything is pretty much gone. I wanted shoes so I ran to the shelves and grabbed what looked about my size. I nabbed 4 pair, one of which was a little small so Colett took them. They are all leather.
I also grabbed jewelry which was really hard to get since everyone was pawing over them and you couldn't even move to the next bin or you would lose your place in line. I didn't even take the items out of their bags, just looked at them after I had bought them and loved them all.
The best part is this....I have 3 new pair of leather shoes, a leather belt, new wool mittens, 3 bracelets, and 3 really nice necklaces, 2 sets of bubble lights , a large lighted Santa head and a wool hand hooked Christmas pillow which set me back.....drum roll please.....$62.00.
We plan our whole day around this sale then shop the day away and eat out for a mother/daughter bonding experience, and it works. Can't wait until next year and I will be better prepared.