My brother-in-law called me last week to see if I wanted a ticket to the movie "New Moon". I had read the first book in the series and found it just OK. I did not have a desire to read any more of the books or really go to the movies.... not really my thing.... but hey, it was a free ticket and I love movies and being with my sister, so she picked me up and we went. We did have to stand in line for about 45 minutes (which is almost more than my tolerance level, but we got in and got our seats in the very back row right in the middle. That is my my favorite place to be.
I have to say, the movie was OK too. It wasn't worth sleeping out for or waiting in line for hours the night of the opening like many people did, but it was entertaining, and we did get to see some pretty buff werewolves.
My sister's dental office (Young Dental) had rented out the theatre for the night and as we exited they gave us all an apple in a cute little bag with a cuter little tag on it. This is a picture of it. Pretty clever I thought. And when was the last time you found a company that cared about it's customers enough to do such a thing?