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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Nick hitches a ride

Something I did many times

Something I could never do

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I have a little lady in my life that I love. She is barely 5 feet tall, full of spit and vinegar and has a heart of gold. She would, and does, help anyone who asks her to do anything. I'm trying to teach her the word "NO" but so far she is not very good at it. She married my son 15 years ago, came down from Alaska to live with us (she was alone) brought my first grandson with her and waited for Shon to join her. What a huge adjustment she must have had. She rarely got back to Alaska and has made Montana her home. She has given me 4 beautiful grandchildren. She teaches them correct principles , she loves my son unconditionally, and I think she even loves Wayne and me a lot too. I am so proud of the woman she has become and consider her my daughter and one of my best friends. Happy Birthday Kee. One of the grandchildren she gave us was also born on her birthday. Toby is 8 and was baptised on Sunday. What a doll he is. He is one of those children that was born with a happy soul. When he was tiny, he smiled 24/7 and loved everyone. He is a fun little guy that always has a giggle to share. He always has a hug for you and will hold your hand any time. We love you Toby William and Happy Birthday to you too.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008
My husband is my best friend. He has always had the ability to make me laugh...a lot! He has never once resented being the breadwinner in our family and has always worked extremely hard to assure that we had all our needs and wants met. He is a wonderful father and grandfather and nothing is more important to him than his family. He can do almost anything that he tries to do and if he doesn't know how, he figures it out. He works too hard sometimes, and I try to get him to slow down but it's not in his nature. He keeps our yard looking amazing and seldom do you see a weed anywhere. He is a marvelous cook and has whipped up many innovative recipes. I cooked for the first 15 years of our life together, then he took over and now his yummy Sunday meals are shared with our daughters and families each week. He is a good golfer, loves fishing in the Big Horn mountains, and loves college basketball which is why he got me a computer..... so I would have something to do while goes down into Wayne's World and watches it every night until March madness is over and he emerges. He has the respect of all his family members including me and his little dog is crazy about him. We have been married almost 39 years and I can't imagine life without him. You are my world Wayne! Happy Father's Day!
Both Friday and the number 13 were once closely associated with capital punishment. In British tradition, Friday was the conventional day for public hangings, and there were supposedly 13 steps leading up to the noose.
Monday, June 09, 2008

Wayne and I started out our married life together in Boise Idaho. We loved it there because it had a gazillion maple and fruit trees, wonderful parks and museums, skiing just a few miles north and swimming just 10 minutes from downtown. A river runs right through the town and there are bike and hiking paths that run everywhere. The air is clear...no industrial pollution, and the downtown has been redone with shopping, museums, and lots of restaurants. It's clean, diverse, and a fun place to be. So why am I not still there ??? I don't know, except it was a 13 hour drive to see our parents and when it was hot in the summer, it was REALLY hot...... lots of days in the 100's. We met some great people that we will remember forever, but we had an even greater life in Montana and now in Utah. We went back two weeks ago for one of Wayne's business trips and drove to the places we used to haunt. It was a fun look back. We lived by a little restaurant that had a giant chicken on top and 37 years later, it's still there. See, you can go home. We have had an inside joke about it for all these years so I just had to take a picture.
There are subdivisions that have the most incedible landscaping I have ever seen. Almost every subdivision in the newer Eagle area is breathtakingly beautiful.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Favorite singers: John Gary,Johnny Mathis, and Michael Buble'.... especially when he sings "I Want to Go Home"
Favorite Celebrity: I'm not really too enamored by celebrities but I would say Meryl Streep (such a good actress)
Favorite Sport: Golf...used to love to play but can't now with my bum leg
Favorite Songs: Somewhere Over the Rainbow...my headstone should read "She's Gone Over the Rainbow", Because I Have been Given Much, What a Wonderful World, and When you Wish Upon a Star
Favorite Animal: All animals but especially dogs and I love cows for all the things they give us and sacrifice for us....milk, cheese, butter, ice cream, meat, leather
Favorite Color: Red with green a close second
Favorite Season: Fall...the smells (gingerbread, tomato juice, applesauce, pumpkin pie) the colors of gold, green, red and orange, garden produce, the farmer's markets, the cooler weather, bazaars, the beginning of the holidays, and the end of yard work, although I love that too.
Favorite foods: Mom's potato salad, rib steak, crab legs, halibut, burgers, mint chocolate chip ice cream, pig rinds, eggs cooked any way, Life cereal, Grandma Sycamore's bread, fideo from Cafe Rio, quesadillas, salad, creme brulee and potatoes cooked any way.
Favorite Desserts: Cheesecake and creme brulee
Favorite Snack: Snapea Crisps..I can only find them at World Market (they are like green Cheetos but made from peas)...sounds weird but taste great, dark chocolate and Bing candy bars
Favorite Movies: South Pacific, all the Harry Potter movies, Sense and Sensibility, Die Hard (quite the variety huh?)
Favorite TV shows: American Idol, anything on HGTV, 20/20
Favorite Books: The Robe, The Count of Monte Cristo, Book of Mormon, Ann of Green Gables, Jane Eyre and many more
Favorite vacations: Disneyworld/Epcot/Animal Kingdom and the tour of the original 13 colonies
Favorite Flowers: Gerbera Daisy, peony, rose...basically all flowers
Favorite Activities: surfing the Net, scrapbooking, singing, playing piano, shopping with my daughters, reading, painting, sewing, needlework, and decorating my house
Favorite websites: ETSY.com, pandora.com., my family's blogs, Cowley Wy website
Favorite car: Honda
Favorite Quote: Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces to their hearts.
Favorite Scripture: O be Wise; Can I say more?
Favorite gift to give: Books
Favorite gift to get: soap and books and pj's
Favorite thing about myself: positive outlook and ability to be very grateful for my blessings by knowing where they come from
Favorite person of influence: Mom...example of unconditional love, charity, hard work, and spiritual strength
Favorite things to collect: Santa figurines, hatpins, children's pop-up books
Favorite date: out to eat and then to an art museum
Favorite inventions: computer, Prilosec medicine, eyelash curler, telephone, scissors, emery board, light bulb, digital camera
Favorite Stores: Costco, Dear Lizzie, Robert's Crafts
Favorite Holiday: Christmas...hands down
Favorite thing to complain about: the weather ( I like it between 68 and 76)
Monday, June 02, 2008