Memorial Day 2008
Thank you to all the men and women who have served or are serving in our military. Most of the ones in my family served overseas and all of them came home. Yahoo!! My Marchant side has had several men that served: Uncles....Ronn Marchant, Richard Marchant, Lewis Marchant and V Willis, my cousins.....Rue Ligget and Ed Willis, and my brothers....... Ned and Greg Marchant. I know there may be more that I just don't know about. On Mom's side I think Uncle Carlyle Eyre served as did Leo Baird. This is a picture of my Uncle Lewis Marchant who was a gunner on a navy avenger/ dive bomber torpedo plane in the South Pacific.

I, too, am so proud to have members of my family that have served. We owe them so much.
Thank you to them all! What a price they have paid. Nick has that pic of Grandpa Wayne in a frame in his room he is so proud of it.
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